maanantai 23. heinäkuuta 2012

The Last Post

Hi everyone, I don't know if anyone's reading this blog anymore since I've been home for over a week already, but as you can see from the title, this is that grand finale, the last post, and I was thinking about putting the pictures in finally if my laptop likes me better than the family's laptop. We'll see.

 This is Broad Street, Oxford, taken in the first day. The strange dot in the road is a place where they burned some protestant martyres.
 Buckingham Palace, London.

 London Eye (I presume...) and the Thames.

 Views from the top of St. Georges Tower (according to my memory that's the name) of Oxford Castle.

 STS Disco, not sure which one of them... Sensation Party, I think.

 Warwick Castle.

 Warwick Castle's courtyard. ("THIS is what a castle should look like!" said my friend Chrystal.)

 They also had this whatever-you-call-it-in-English as a part of their castle. A tournament field?

 An architectural detail of Stratford-upon-Avon.

 Mr. Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe's window - this is the place I told to remind me of Honeydukes.

 More sweets... But this shop was just so amazing... Why don't we have this kind of shops in Finland...

 In Bath we visited the Jane Austen Centre, and there you could try on these hats and bonnets if you liked.

 In Bath we also went to Caffe Nero for the first time, luckily found one from Oxford as well:)

 This is Carfax Tower, our meeting place in Oxford.

 Back to London. We visited King's Cross Station (of course) and as good tourists and Harry Potter fans took photos on this particular platform.

 The wand heaven of Hamley's.

 Our school, Oxford Jewish Centre.

 Punting (which we weren't, after all, allowed to try.)

 My last night in Oxford I slept with Bart Simpson.

My birthday cake... so delicious... I took the last piece back to Finland with me so my family got some too. Everybody liked it.

Yay, I made it! So folks, as I said, no more posts in this blog... I will finish translating the previous posts in English hopefully this week, and then that'll be it. Everybody's welcome here to read and send comments at any time and whenever you like, but on my side, it's over. Thank you so much, I love you all!!!

maanantai 16. heinäkuuta 2012

Paluutunnelmia - Back home

Torstaiaamuna pakkasin ja uudelleenpakkasin vielä muutaman kerran tavarani ennen kuin pääsin lähtemään:) Mutta lopulta sitten sanoin hei hei kaikille ihanille ihmisille perheessäni ja halasin vielä viimeisen kerran ja jäin Oxpensiin ystävieni kanssa. Suurin osa matkasta Heathrowlle kului nukkuessa. Ensin jätettiin italialaiset pois kyydistä ja sitten ajettiin vielä aika pitkään sinne meidän terminaaliin. Sisään päästyä iski paniikki: missä mun passi on? Kerkesin penkoa kaikki laukut muutamaan kertaan, soittaa isäntäperheeseen ja penkoa vielä vähän lisää ennen ku lopulta löysin sen STS-repun sivutaskusta. Tarkoitus oli ollut nimittäin ottaa se käsimatkatavaraksi, ja siinä vaiheessa kun mä muutin suunnitelmaa, mä olin jo kerennyt unohtaa pistäneeni passin sinne. Oho.
Lentomatka sujui yllättävän hyvin, ei korviin koskenu melkein ollenkaan. Kuuntelin Susan kanssa musiikkia ja juteltiin kaikkea jännää. Susalla oli hienot kuulokkeet, joihin sai toiset kuulokkeet yhdistettyä^^ Tuhottiin myös suklaakonvehtirasiaa ja Susan poskeen ilmestyi jostain sellaisia kivoja tarroja:)
Laukkujen odotteluun ei mennyt mitenkään ylettömän pitkään. Mulla on kiva uusi laukku jossa on neljä pyörää, ja niin me sitten ratsastettiin laukulla ja leikittiin Batmania sillä aikaa kun odotettiin muiden laukkuja:D Se oli hauskaa, vaikka Ninni vähän pyöritteli silmiään.
Kun kaikki oli saaneet laukut, alkoi halausmaratoni, halattiin kaikkia, mutta ihme kyllä ei itkettänyt yhtään, toisin kuin aamulla kotoa lähtiessä. Kuitenkin mä tiedän, että mä voin tavata näitä ihmisä vielä ja mulla on puhelinnumeroita ja muutenkin siinä oli enemmän sellainen hyvä tunnelma kuin itketystunnelma.
On ollu mukavaa päästä kotiin ja tavata ihmisiä, mutta kyllä oon haikaillu takaskin. Oon haistellu vaatteita ja uusia verhoja ja vetäny sisääni mun Englannin kodin tuoksua - kyllä siitäki ehti tulla tärkee paikka. Sähköpostia on jo lentäny perheelle ja kaikille huonekavereille. Ja vaikka en sitä mihinkään niistä kirjoittanutkaan, toive "I hope to see you again some day" on koko ajan siellä pohjalla.
Kotiin tullessa ihmettelin, oonko mä ollu liian kauan poissa vai haiseeko kotona jotenki oudolta. Muiden mielestä siellä ei haissu miltään, eli niin se sitte oli - mä olin ollu liian kauan poissa ja sain eka kertaa tietää, mikä on mun kodin kotituoksu. Se ei ehkä ollu siitä miellyttävimmästä päästä... Mutta nyt oon jo turtunu siihen. Ainut muutos jonka huomaan, on se, että mun huoneessa leijailee edelleen jonkin verran Englannin kodin tuoksua. On kiva, ettei se oo noin vain haihtunut pois.
Yhtä postausta vielä suunnittelen, sellaista, jossa olisi sitten vihdoin niitä kuvia, jos tämä kone tykkäisi musta enemmän kuin perhekone.
Tämä matka oli elämäni parhaita kokemuksia. Sain paljon upeita ystäviä ja hienon kolmeviikkoisen minulle ennestään tuntemattomassa kaupungissa. Suurkiitokset kaikille leadereille, opettajille, kurssilaisille ja ennen kaikkea ihanalle perheelleni ja huonekevereilleni!! Teitä kaikkia tulee ikävä.

Tässäpä vielä runo, jonka kirjoitimme porukassa koulussa maanantaina. Se on aika outo, tiedän. Ja Susa varmaan tappaa mut, koska en kerta kaikkiaan kykene muistamaan, minkä taakse se aurinko oikeesti laski, enkä ollu kirjottanu sitä ylös mihinkään... mutta koita kestää, ystävä rakas, sovelsin parhaani mukaan.

England in our eyes
Big Ben in the rain next to a green tree
Driving a double decker on the wrong side of the road
Overweighted snails looking for flowers to eat
An alarm-clock waking you up to every rainy morning
The bus stops and the weather stops
Sun sets behind the bookshelves of the Queen
Eating fish and chips in a pub with James Bond
And some afternoon tea with Shakespeare.

That poem there is a group poem we wrote in school last Monday. It's pretty weird, I know, but it's ment to be. And Susa will probably kill me, for I can't remember, what it really was that sun set behind, but try to deal with it, my darling. I did my best.

On Thursday morning I still packed and repacked for few times before I left:) But finally I said goodbye to all lovely people in my family and hugged them for the last time before my host dad left me to Oxpens with my friends. Most of the journey to Heathrow I slept. First we dropped the Italians off in terminal five and then drove quite a long way to our terminal. When we got in, I panicked: where is my passport? I looked through all of my luggage for few times, called back to my host family and looked even more, before I eventually found it from the sidepocket of my STS bag. I had ment to take it as my hand luggage, but when I changed plans, I had already forgotten I had put my passport in it. Oops.
The flight was OK, my ears didn't hurt almost at all. I listened to music with Susa and we talked. Susa had these fancy headphones that you could connect with other headphones^^ We ate chocolate and  some stickers appeared in Susa's cheek:)
Waiting for our luggage didn't take very long. I have fine new suitcase which has four wheels, and so we rode on my suitcase and played Batman while waiting for other's suitcases:D It was fun, though Ninni rolled her eyes.
When everybody had their luggage, all hugged all, but somehow I didn't feel like crying like I did in the morning when I was leaving home. Maybe it's because I know that I can see these people pretty easily again, I have phone numbers, and the atmosphere in that situation was anyway more good than the one that makes you cry.
It's been nice to get home and see people, but I've also been wanting back. I've smelled the scent of my English home from my clothes and new curtains - it became an important place for me during those three weeks. I have sent e-mail to my family and all of the roommates, and though I didn't write it to any of them, a wish "I hope to see you again some day" is in each of them.
When I arrived home, I wondered, if I had been gone for too long or did it smell funny in there. Others said they didn't smell anything, so that was it - I had been gone for too long and got to know for the first time, how does it smell in my home. It wasn't the most pleasant scent in the world... But now I've got used to it again. The only difference I notice is that there is still some of the scent of my English home in my own room. It's nice that it hasn't just faded away.
I'm planning for one more post to finally put my pictures in here, if this computer likes me more than the other.
This trip was one of the best experiences of my life. I got lots of wonderful friends and great three weeks in a city previously unfamiliar to me. Thank you so much to all my leaders, teachers, friends and the most importantly, to my awesome family and roomamates!! I'll miss you all.

keskiviikko 11. heinäkuuta 2012

Viimeisen illan ristiriita - Last night's conflict

Lauantai oli hieno paiva Lontoossa, ei edes satanu melkein yhtaan^^ Aloitettiin suuntaamalla King's Crossin asemalle ja otettiin paljon kuvia, mutta valitettavasti ma en paassyt juoksemaan pylvaita pain. Miksi? Koska kaikkien laiturien edessa oli portit, joista ei passyt sisaan ilman lippua. Turhaa varovaisuutta, sanon mina.
Meidan seuraava kohde oli Oxford Street tai oikeestaan sen poikkikatu, jossa oli valtava lelukauppa nimelta Hamley's. Siina oli varmaan viis tai kuus kerrosta, joista neljannessa sijaitsi tama etsimamme "Potter-kauppa", siis osastohan se oikeesti oli, mutta siella oli vaikka mita ihanaa!! Potter-tavaroiden lisaksi siella oli Sormusten Herraan ja erilaisiin scifi-leffoihin liittyvia juttuja. Ma ostin itselleni, pitkan pohdinnan jalkeen ("Aarrggh, minka ma ostan, ma haluan naa kaikki!") Ronin taikasauvan.
Hamley'sin jalkeen suunnattiin takaisin Trafalgar Squarelle, jonka lahelta meidan bussi hakisi meidat, kaytiin matkamuistokaupassa ja ostin tuliaisia. London Pride - festivaali oli just sina paivana ja just samaan aikaan siella Trafalgarilla kun me, ja mua nauratti: mita valia, etta Helsinki Pride jai valiin, ma olinki London Pridessa! Paljon siistimpaa...
Sunnuntai-aamuna oli vapaata aikaa Oxfordissa joten lahdin sitten shoppaamaan tuliaisia ja aika paljon tulikin ostettua, hupsista keikkaa. Tuliaisten lisaksi ma ostin Oxford University - t-paidan, Oxford-kalenterin ensi vuodelle ja I<3Oxford - pinssin itseani varten. Oho.
Liisa ihmemaassa on kirjotettu Oxfordissa, ja lauantai oli virallinen Alice's Day, mutta se teema jatkui edelleen sunnuntaina ja meidan iltapaivan ohjelma oli etta me mentiin Christ Church Collegen puistoon ja siella oli sellanen Caucus Race - tapahtuma, joka liittyi jotenkin tahan Aliceen ja siella olis paassu tekemaan kaiken laista jos olis jaksanu, mutta me vaan perustettiin piknikki nurmikolle kavereiden kanssa ja istuttiin siina se pakolliset puolitoista tuntia. Oli sekin ihan mukavaa, ja varmaan itse tapahtumakin olis ollu kiva jos me oltaisiin oltu kahdeksan vuotta nuorempia.
Illalla meille sitten oli maaratty tama Crazy Games. Satoi rankasti ja host-isoveli tuli kysymaan, etta ollaanko me ihan tosi menossa, vai katottaisiinko me mieluummin leffaa. Me jaatiin miettimaan asiaa ja lopulta sitten ruotsalainen kamppis soitti liiderilleen, etta tarviiko sen menna. No ei tarvi jos ei haluu. Huonon saan vuoksi mun kannykassa ei ollu kenttaa, joten ma en voinu tehda samaa juttua eli mun piti menna (vaikka host-vanhemmat kylla ystavallisesti tarjosivat omia puhelimiaan lainaksi).
Bussipysakilla tapasin kaks muuta ruotsalaista tyttoa. jotka oli saaneet tekstarin liideriltaan: saa jaada pois jos haluaa. Ja bussissa Katri ja Ninni sanoi etta ne oli myos saaneet sen tekstarin ja kun  ma vihdoin sain kenttaa, se tuli mullekin. Mutta sillon me oltiin jo melkein Abingdonissa.
Me ootettiin meidan liideria vaikka kuinka pitkaan ja kaikki oli aika vihaisia ja turhautuneita - me oltiin tultu sinne asti vaan ilmottamaan etta me ei haluta olla siella ja lahtemaan pois. Lopulta me soitettiin toisen liiderin kannykasta ja saatiin lahtea. Kotiin tullessa oli aika arsyyntynyt olo, mutta se lahti tiehensa, kun olohuoneessa oli Tangled taydessa vauhdissa ja ruotsalainen ja host-pikkuveli filminkatseluseurana.
Maanantai alko tunneilla ja iltapaivalla oli luento otsikolla "Being English". Se oli osaks tosi kiinnostava ja viihdyttavakin, osaks taas aika kuiva. Mutta viimeinen! Maanantai-iltana oli myos jotain muuta viimesta, nimittain viimenen disko! Bileet! No joo, se oli ihan mukavaa oikeesti, me hengattiin alakerrassa ja leikittiin kavereiden kanssa, not so bad at all. Mut on se silti ihan mukavaa ettei sinne tarvi enaa menna.
Tiistai oli olympiasoihtupaiva. Paakadut oli suljettu aamulla ja meilla oli virallisesti lupa olla myohassa koulusta vaikka oli koepaiva:) En menny katsomaan soihtua, vaan nukuin kahtakyta vailla kahdeksaan (luksusta). Kun kaikki lopulta selvisi kouluun, pidettiin siis loppukoe ja sen jalkeen me viimeisteltiin ja esitettiin tyot, jotka me oltiin aloitettu edellisena paivana. Tehtavana oli suunnitella oma maa, pareittain tai kolmen ryhmissa. Meita oli mina, toinen suomalainen ja yksi ruotsalainen tytto, ja meidan maasta tuli jokseenkin kiinnostava - planeetta ulkoavaruudessa, jota asuttavat ilmastonmuutosta paenneet suomalaiset ja ruotsalaiset. Ihan hauskaa.
Tiistai-iltana oli Farewell Evening, joka muistutti ensin epailyttavasti ekan lauantain Club Eveningia - silla erotuksella, ett nyt meidan ei tarvinnu maksaa meidan McDonald's-ruokia itse, vaan meian liideri makso ne meille kunhan oli alle kolmen punnan. Yhdella meista oli synttarit ja me laulettiin sille siella Makissa ja se sai kortin ja oli vaan etta: "Taa tuli ihan puskista!"  Viela hauskemmaksi ilta muuttui sitten kun kaikki sai paperin, johon kirjotettiin oma nimi ja sen jalkeen kirjotettiin muiden papereihin kaikkea kivaa:) Me jatkettiin sita viela pitkaan sen jalkeen kun meidta oli haadetty McDonald'sista - tietenkin suoraan siina sisaankaynnin ulkopuolella.
Tanaan aamulla me saatiin tehtavaksi kirjoittaa kolmesta viiteen minuuttia pitka puhe meidan omista kokemuksista, vaikutelmista ja ajatuksista Oxfordista ja tasta matkasta. Sen kirjoittaminen ei ollu mikaan ongelma, eika esittaminenkaan kovin paha, mutta kylla ma vahan tarisin siella. Ehka kukaan ei huomannu muuta ku sen etta ma taisin toistaa itseani aika paljon.
Viimeisella tunnilla oli Graduation seremony, jossa me saatiin todistukset ja tuoreet Oxpressin eli meidan itse tekeman lehden painokset. Arvosanat oli C1:sta A2:en, mutta kukaan ei saanu parempaa kun B2. Ma sain B1, oon ihan tyytyvainen siihen. Eika talla nyt silleen oo valia, ei taa oikeestaan vaikuta mun elamaan tai tulevaisuuteen.
Talle iltapaivalle oli tarkoitus olla puntingia, veneilya, vahan gondolien tapaisia veneita, mutta se peruttiin voimakkaan virtauksen takia ja tilalle annettiin polkuveneilya. Ma jatin sen valiin ja menin sen sijaan ostoksille - vikat tuliaiset, yksi kirja ja uusi matkalaukku etta saan kaiken kulkemaan painorajojen sisalla. Kavin myos yhden kaverin kanssa Botanic Gardenissa, joka on eras oxfordilainen nahtavyys, ja siella oli kaunista. Enemman siita varmaan olisi saanut irti, jos olisi ymmartanyt niiden kasvien paalle muutakin kuin etta onhan nuo natteja, eli ei se musta siis ihan kolmen punnan arvoinen ollut mutta ehka yhden.
Tulin kotiin, kavin suhkussa, soin paivallista ja aloitin pakkaamisen. Host-isa tuli kysymaan, etta haluttaisko me vanukasta ja ma olin vahan etta en ma ny tiia mutta menin sitten kun kamppiksetkin lahti. Istuttiin alas, saatiin lautaset, ja sitten akkia ne alkoikin laulaa "Happy birthday to you" eika niilla ollukaan mitaan vanukasta vaan suklaakakkua ja se oli ihanaa! Olin ihan etta whaat ja ne kaikki vaan nauroi ja oli ihania. Ma sain lahjankin, kaksi pakettia Malteserseja, sellasia suklaakarkkeja, omnom. Joo, kertakaikkiaan  upea yllatys. Sen jalkeen edes pakkaaminen ei tuntunu niin  kamalalta.
Olin just saanu pakkaukset tehtya ja laukut punnittua (ruotsalaisen matkalaukkuvaa'alla) kun host-aiti tuli ja kysyi, etta haluatko sa ottaa nuo Potter-lakanat ja -verhot mukaan? Arvatkaa kahesti mita vastasin. En oo viela tehny uudelleenpunnitusta mutta mun isossa laukussa oli kolme kiloa tyhjaa joten ei pitas olla ongelmaa.
Tunteet on ristiritaisia. Toisaalta ma haluisin jaada viela viikoksi tai pariksi, toisaalta on ihana paasta kotiin. Mutta kuten puheessankin tanaan sanoin: One thing's for sure: Oxford doesen't get rid of me this easily. I will come back.

Saturday was a fine day in London, it didn't even rain at all^^ We started by heading to King's Cross Station and took lots of photos but unfortunately I didn't have a chance to test if you really can get through to the platform 9 3/4 between platforms 9 and 10. Why? Because there were gates in front of the platforms and you couldn't get through without a ticket. Unnecessary wariness, I'm telling you.
Our next destination was Oxford Street or actually its cross street, where was a giant toy shop called the Hamley's. It had probably five or six floors, and in the fourth floor there was the "Potter shop" we had been looking for, well it was really a departement, but there were lots of amazing things in there!! Plus the Potter stuff there was Lord of the Rings stuff and things realting to different science fiction movies. I bought, after lots of thinking ("Oh no, which one I take, I want these all!"), Ron's wand.
After the Hamely's we headed back to Trafalgar Square where our bus would pick us later, went to a souvenir shop and I bought some souvenirs to my friends and family. London Pride festival was the same day and it was at Trafalgar Square just at the same time as us, and it made me laugh: who cares that I missed Helsinki Pride, I was in London Pride! Much cooler...
Sunday morning we had free time in Oxford, so I went shopping thing to take home and bought actually quite much. Apart form the souvenirs for others I bought Oxford University t-shirt, I<3Oxford pin and an Oxford Calendar for next year, all these to me. Oops.
Alice in Wonderland is written in Oxford and Saturday was official Alice's Day, but it continued still on Sunday, and our activity of the afternoon was that we went to Christ Church College's Park and there was this event called Caucus Race, relating somehow to Alice. There were lots of things you could've done but we just made a picnic on the grass with my friends and sat there the hour and a half that we had to. But it was nice too and maybe the event would've been nice if we had been eight years younger.
In the evening we were supposed to have the Crazy Games, as you may recall. It was raining hard and our host big brother came to ask if we were sure that we were going or would we prefer to watch a movie. We thought about it and finally my Swedish roommate called her leader if she had to go.Well you don't have to if you don't want to. Because of the bad weather my phone didn't have any signal so I couldn't do that and had to go (though host parents kindly said that I could borrow theirs). In the bus stop I met two Swedish girls who had also received a text message from their leader: you can stay home if you want to. In the bus Katri and Ninni said that they had got it too and when I finally got the signal, I received the text as well. But by that time we were almost in Abingdon.
We waited for our leader a looong time and everybody was quite angry and frustrated - we had come all that way just to tell her that we didn't want to be there and to leave. Eventually we called her from the other leader's phone and got a permission to go. When I got home I felt pretty annoyed but forgot it soon, for Tangled was on and the Swede and host little brother watching it with me.
Monday began with the lessons and in the afternoon we had a lecture about "Being English". Partly it was interesting and entertainig, partly pretty dull. But it was the last! And we had something else last as well on Monday evening, a disco! Yippyy! (SORRY FOR THE LONG DELAY IN FINISHING THIS POST.) Well, it was nice really, we kept downstairs and played, not so bad at all. But it's still good to know that I don't have to go there anymore.
Tuesday was the day of the Olympic Torch. We had an official permission to be late for school though it was the test day. I didn't go to see the torch, but slept 'til 8.40 (luxury). When everybody finally made it to school, we had our final test and after it we finished and presented our yesterday's work. The task was to design a country in pairs or in the groups of three. In our group there were me, another Finn and one Swedish girl. Our country became slightly interesting - a planet in outer space which is inhabited by Swedes and Finns who left the Earth because of global warming. It was fun.
On Tuesday evening we had the Farewell Evening which seemed to be just like the first Saturday's Club Evening, except for the fact that we didn't have to buy our McDonald's food ourselves but our leader bought them for us as long as it was under three pounds. One of us had her birthday and we sang to her there in McDonald's and she got a card and was just: "I didn't expect this at all!" More fun the evening became when everyone got a paper where you wrote your own name and then you wrote nice things to other's papers about them:) We continued it for a long time after we had been driven away from McDonald's - of course right there in front of the entrance.
This morning our task was to write three to five minutes long presentation on our own experiences and thougts about Oxford and this trip. Writing it wasn't a problem and presentating wasn't very bad either, but I did tremble a bit there in front of the classroom. Maybe anyone didn't notice anything except for I think I repeated some things quite a lot.
In the last lesson we had the Graduation Ceremony where we got our certifications and Oxpress papers (the one we made in the project lessons). The grades were from C1 to A2 but no one got better than B2. I got B1, I'm happy with it. And this doesn't really matter, it has no influence to my future or life.
For this afternoon we were ment to have punting but it was cancelled because there was too much current (?) in the river. We had peddling boats instead but I didn't go. I went shopping, bought the last souvenirs, one book and a new suitcase so that I can take everything home within the weight limits. I also went to Botanic Garden with one of my friends, it's one of the must-see things in Oxford. I think it would've been more enjoyable if I had understood more of the plants than "They are pretty." So not worth of three pounds, I think, but maybe one.
I came home, took a shower, ate dinner and started packing. My host dad came to ask if we wanted some pudding. I was bit like maybe not, but went then because my roommates went as well. We sat down, got plates and then they started singing "Happy birthday to you" and there wasn't any pudding but chocolate cake and it was lovely! I was just like whaaat is this and they all laughed and were so nice. I got a present as well, two packs of Malteseres, they're this chocolate candy, so yummy. Yeah, it was a wonderful surprise - after that even packing wasn't so bad.
I had just finished my packings and tested that I didn't have too much weight with the Swedish girl's balance when my host mum came in and asked if I wanted to take the Harry Potter bedding and curtains with me. Guess twice what I said. I haven't yet tested the weight but there was three kilos of underweight in my big suitcase so there shouldn't be a problem.
I feel conflicted. In one hand it would be lovely to stay for a week or two more but in the other hand it's wonderful to get home. However, as I said in my presentation today: One thing's for sure: Oxford doesn't get rid of me this easily. I will come back.

lauantai 7. heinäkuuta 2012

Myohaisillan konesessio - Late night's post

Eilen torstaina tein kovasti hommia kirjastossa ja koulussa ja sain kuin sainkin tarinan loppuun! Tekstin mustaaminen jai viela vahan kesken, mutta onneksi yksi ruotsalainen tytto auttoi mua siina ja tanaan me saatiin sekin valmiiksi. Eilen illalla oli taas disko, joo, ja meian ryhman suomalaisia siella oli mun lisakseni yksi. Ma lahin heti yhdeksalta, muistellen etta bussi menis 21.21 mutta kun ma paasin pysakille, ma nain etta se olikin mennyt 20.21 ja seuraava menis 21.51 - puolentoista tunnin ero, ihan naurettavaa! No joo, arsytti.
Tana aamuna oli luento Oxfordin historiasta ja C.S. Lewisista, joka oli todella mielenkiintoinen, mutta mua vasytti aivan hullusti. Onneksi valissa oli vartin tauko, niin pystyin nukkumaan siina penkeilla sen ajan. Toinen puolisko olikin sitten jo helpompi keskittya.
Lounastauolla hengailin Katrin kanssa Westgaten kauppakeskuksessa, syotiin evaita ja loydettiin terveysruokakaupasta ruisleipaa!!! Siella oli myos Pandan karkkeja, pelkkaa lakua tosin, peruslakua ja Duelloja (TERVEYSruokakauppa)... Mutta oli ihanaa saada vahan ruisleipaa pitkasta aikaa. Taidan maanantaina menna ostamaan vahan itellenikin (tanaan Katri osti ja ma pummasin silta).
Tana iltana meilla piti olla STS Crazy Games, mutta koska koko paivan on ollu karmea vesisade, se siirrettiin sunnuntaille, eli ma sain vapaan illan! Ihanaa! Siivoilin sitten kamojani ja luin pitkan aikaa, sen jalkeen katsoin sahkopostin ja naytin host-vanhemmille kuvia meidan kotoa, perheesta ja talosta. Kiitos kaikille ihanista sahkoposteista, ne todella piristaa mua!! Ma siis kylla luen ne, vaikka en vastaakaan - anteeksi anteeksi, mutta mulla ei oo ihan niin paljon aikaa koneella taalla. So keep sending them, please.
Huomenna me mennaan Lontooseen shoppailemaan, mutta ihan hirveesti mitaan kotiin tuotavaa ma en enaa voi ostaa, oon ostanu jo ihan liikaa. Muutaman tuliaisen ja siina se. Hyvin kevyen tuliaisen, mielellaan. Koitetaan Susan ja Virvan kanssa loytaa Potter-kauppa, joten jos loytyy, saattaa menna vahan tiukille taa 'kuinka paljon voin ostaa' - rajat on venyvia, as you know.
Oon pikkuhiljaa oppinut tan vasemmanpuoleisen liikenteen saannot, mutta sen oppiminen, etta sita noudatetaan myos jalkakaytavilla, ei ollutkaan niin helppoa. Ja nyt kun ma vihdoin olen oppinut kavelemaan vasemmalla puolella katua ja vaistamaan ihmisia vasemmalle (mika varsinkin oli hankala osa), niin jostain on tullut valtava maara turisteja jotka EI osaa sita, ja se on aarimmaisen arsyttavaa.
Kaikki on todella kivaa ja kaikki on kivoja, mutta pikku hiljaa alkaa olla ja kaipuu kotiin Suomeen. Toisaalta olis ihana jaada viela viikoksi tai pariksi, mutta toisaalta alan kaivata ihmisia ja paikkoja jo aika paljon.
Okei, ma huomasin juuri etta kello on melkein puoli kaksitoista joten ma juon tuon teekupin ja kiirehdin sankyyn. Toivottavasti mun huonekaverit ei vihaa mua...

Yesterday, Thursday, I did lots of work in the library and in school and, after all, finished my story! I didn't have the time yesterday to finish writing the text with a black pen, but luckily a Swedish girl helped me with that and today we finished that as well. Yesterday was another disco and there were Finns from our group one plus me. I left at nine, remembering that bus would go at 9.21, but when I got to the stop, I saw it had gone 8.21 and the next would go 9.51. An hour and a half in between those two, that's ridiculous! Well yeah, felt irritated.
This morning we had a lecture of the history of Oxford and C.S. Lewis and it was truly interesting but I was horribly tired. Luckily there was a fifteen-minute-break, so I could sleep that time. The other half was then easier to follow.
On our lunch break we went to Westgate shopping centre with Katri, we ate our packed lunches and found rye bread from a health food store!!! There were some Panda liquorice also, normal and Duellos... In a HEALTH food store... (Panda is a Finnish sweets brand and Duellos are their chocolate-covered-liquorices, not really any health food.) But it was great to have some rye bread after a long time, I might go to buy some myself on Monday (today Katri bought and I ate hers).
This evening we were supposed to have STS Crazy Games, but because it's been a terrible rain all day, it was moved to Sunday and I got a free evening! Wonderful! I cleaned up my things then and read for a long time, then I checked my email and showed pictures of my house and family to my host parents. Thank you all for the lovely emails, they really cheer me up!! I do read them though I don't answer - forgive me, please, but I don't just have so much time on a computer in here. So keep sending them, please.
Tomorrow we'll go to London for shopping, but I can't buy very much anything to take home, for I have bought too much already. A few souvenirs and that's it. Preferably very light souvenir. We will try to find the Potter shop with Virva and Susa, so if we do, I'll maybe have little problems with this 'how much I can buy' - limites can be stretched, as you know.
Little by little I've learned to rules of left side traffic, but learning the fact that it's obeyed by pedestrians also, wasn't so easy. And now, when I've just learned to walk on the left side of the road and to give way by going left instead of right (which was particularly tricky), a huge amount of tourists just appeared from out of nowhere, and they DON'T know it, and it's very annoying.
Everything's very nice and everyone's nice, but little by little I start missing home, back to Finland. On one hand it would be great to stay for another week or two, but on the other hand I miss people and places pretty much already.
OK, I just noticed it's almost half past eleven so I'll finish that teacup and hurry to bed. Hopefully my roommates don't hate me...

torstai 5. heinäkuuta 2012

Tekemassa koulutoita eiku... Doing schoolwork or...

Tasta tulee nyt tallainen nopea paivitys, kun olen taalla kirjastossa oikeastaan tekeassa koulutoita enka istumassa koneella... Tulin katsomaan, oliko kukaan kommentoinut edellista tekstia, mutta ei ollut :(( Kommentoikaa, ihmiset! Tai lahettakaa meilia! Ma haluan tietaa mita teille kuuluu!
Eilen keskiviikkona me mentiin Christ Church Collegeen, joka oli oikein kaunis rakennus ja siella oli ihana puutarha johon me ei oikeestaan olis saatu menna, mutta siella ei ollut mitaan kylttia ja portti oli auki, joten mistas me olis voitu tietaa? Se on myos paikka, jonka portaikkoa ja ruokasalia on kaytetty mallina Potter-leffoissa, mutta ne oli vahan pettymys. Leffojen sali ja portaat on paljon hienompia. Katedraali oli todella kaunis.
Lounastauolla tulin kirjastoon tekemaan koulutoita, sainkin hyvin aikaan, ja sitten oli tunnit, ihan jees silleen vaikka vikalla tunnilla kaikki oli taas hirveen vasyneita. Ja illalla me mentiin ulkoilmateatteriin katsomaan Kesayon unelma, ja se oli ihana!! Vaikka alussa satoi ja olin vahan pihalla, sade loppui aika pian ja tarinaan paasi helposti mukaan. Ei sen vanhan englanninkaan seuraaminen niin vaikeaa ollu kun olis voinut luulla. Nayttelijat oli ihan alyttoman taitavia ja koko se juttu oli niin hienosti jarjestetty... Sitten kun naissa on niita etta ne valitsee yleisosta joitain tyyppeja joille lankeaa joku homma, no, ma sain esitettavakseni Tishbyn osan jostain randomista naytelmasta - mutta siihen varsinaisen naytelman juoneen kuului, etta yksi niista hahmoista varasti kaikki osat itselleen, eli ei mun oikeasti tarvinnut tehda mitaan. Oli se ihan hauskaa silti.
Tanaan meilla oli STS Treasure Hunt, joka oli hauskaa. Meidat jaettiin ryhmiin, joissa meidan piti tehda tehtavia ja kerata esineita ja hankkia silla lailla pisteita - meidan ryhma sai tuhat kuusisataa jotain pistetta ja me tultiin toisiksi! Joo, se oli hauskaa. Sitten ma tulin tanne - tekemaan koulutoita koh koh - eli nyt mun pitaa varmaan menna ja sanoa: "Bye bye dears, see you later!!"

This will be a fast post, because I'm in the library actually to do my schoolwork and not to sit in front of a computer... I came to take a look if anyone had sent comments to my latest post but you hadn't :((( Send comments, people! Or e-mail! I want to know about you!
Yesterday, Wednesday, we went to Christ Chuch College which was a very beautiful building and there was a garden that we weren't actually allowed to go into, but the gate was open and there was no sign, so how could've we known? They also used this college's staircase and dining hall when they built sets for first Harry Potter films. They were a bit disapponting, the film sets look better. The cathedral was very beatiful.
For my lunchbreak I went to the library to do my schoolwork, I did a lot, and then we had the lessons, it was quite alright though in the last lesson everyone was (again) terribly tired. In the evening we went to an outdoor theatre to see Midsummer Night's Dream and it was fantastic!! Though it was raining in the beginning and I didn't know what it was about, the rain quit pretty soon and the story was easily caught. Even following the old English language wasn't so difficult as you could've thought. The actors were super good and it was all so well arranged... And these plays have these parts were they pick up someone from the audience to do something: I got to play Tishby's part in some random play, though one of the characters of the real play stole all those parts for himself, so I didn't have to anything really. But it was fun anyway.
Today we had STS Treasure Hunt which was fun. We were split into groups and we had to do tasks and collect things and get points that way - our group got one thousand six hundred and something points and we were second! Yeah, it was fun. Then I came here - to do schoolwork - so I think I must go now and say: "Bye bye dears, see you later!!"

tiistai 3. heinäkuuta 2012

Sleeping with Harry

Tanaan kun ma menin kirjastoon, siella ei ollut yhtakaan vapaata konetta. Moukan tuurilla host-vanhemmat oli kuitenkin aamulla sanoneet, etta jos haluan, voin joskus kayttaa heidan vanhaa poytakonetta, joka on yleensa tyhjan panttina, joten tassa sitten ollaan, litimarkana ja vieressa moykkaava pyykkikone mutta netti toimii:)
Eli ilmeisesti perjantaista eteenpain pitaisi kertoa, vai kuinka? No, tuntien jalkeen oli luento Britannian historiasta, ja sen seuraaminen oli helpompaa kuin popkulttuuriluennon seuraaminen, koska a)mua ei vasyttanyt ollenkaan niin paljon ja b)ma istuin talla kertaa eturivissa enka toiseksi takimmaisessa, joten motivaatio seurata oli suurempi. Ihan mielenkiintoista se oli, oikeasti.
Kavin ostamassa korvatulppia ja illalla oli disko, josta me lahdettiin heti kun oli lupa eli tasan kello yhdeksan. Bussipysakilla huomasin jo tottuneeni siihen, etta taalla bussit on aina ajallaan: olin ihan etta mita, taa bussi on kaks minuuttia myohassa! Suomessa ma en edes huomaisi sita. Mutta se bussi jattikin sitten kokonaan tulematta, joten saatiin odottaa seuraavaa, joka tuli vasta yli puolen tunnin kuluttua ja sekin myohassa mutta ei kovin paljoa.
Tavattiin meidan uudet kamppikset, ukrainalainen ja espanjalainen tytto, jotka tosin oli jo nukkumassa, kun me tultiin kotiin. Joten kunnolla me tavattiin vasta lauantai-iltapaivalla.
Lauantai-aamuna me lahdettiin Stratford-upon-Avoniin ja Warwickin linnaan, oikestaan toisessa jarjestyksessa. Linnassa oli paikka jossa oli kuvattu joitain Merlinin kohtauksia, mutta me ei paasty sinne :(( Koska seuraava kierros johon mina ja Virva oltais mahduttu, ois ollu vasta puoli kahdelta ja siihen mennessa me oltiin lahdetty jo Stratfordiin. Mutta linna oli kylla hieno rakennus ja ymparisto.
Stratford-upon-Avon on Shakespearen kotikaupunki, joten siella me opttiin fakta jos toinenkin kyseisesta herrasta, ja lisaksi oli vapaata aikaa. Me kaytiin ihanassa karkkikaupassa, joka tuntui ihan Hunajaherttualta (tanaan mulle selvisi etta sellanen kauppa on myos Oxfordissa, arvatkaa minne meen huomenna) ja hmv:ssa, joka on maailman paras dvd/cd-kauppa! Ostin sielta aika paljon kaikkea. Mutta joo, Stratford oli kaunis kaupunki, ja sielta tultua me vasta kunnolla tavattiin ne kaksi muuta tyttoa, jotka ovat oikein mukavia.
Lauantai-iltana host-vanhemmat pyysi meita katsomaan sateenkaarta yhden makuuhuoneen ikkunasta, johon oli tulossa kazakstanilaisia tyttoja, joiden sankyja host-aiti oli just laittamassa. Toisella niista oli Harry Potter-tyynyliina ja mun oli tietysti pakko ottaa siita kuva, jolloin host-aiti kysyi, haluaisinko makin Potter-lakanat. Ma olin ihan etta oooooooo! -yes, please, ja se nauroi ja meni kaivamaan kaapista mulle Potter-tyynyliinan + pussilakanan ja laittoi ne mun sankyyn. Alkaa nyt kasittako vaarin, se siis vaihtoi meidan lakanat joka tapauksessa sina paivana. Ja seuraavana iltana se kysyi multa: "Do you like sleeping with Harry, then?" ja nauroi ja ma nauroin ja vastasin kylla.
Sunnuntaina Bathiin. Siella me saatiin tehda mita huvitti, joten me mentiin Jane Austen-keskukseen ja siella oli tallainen ihana pieni museo aiheesta Jane Austen seka kauppa, josta pysty ostamaan kaikkea kivaa. Ostin aidille tuliaisen ja itselleni nuotteja seka mustekyna/muste/lyijykyna-setin. Kaytiin myos syomassa italialaisessa ravintolassa JA italialaisessa kahvilassa.
Eilen aamulla oli luento brittikirjallisuudesta, joka oli vahan tylsa kun tekniikka ei toiminut kunnolla ja luennoitsija ei ollut valmistautunut - se oli joku uusi, meidan varsinainen oli varmaan kipee tai jotain. Sitten tunnit (projektitunnilla alkoi tulla vahan kiire, lehti pitas olla pian valmis ja mulla on kaikki viela kesken) ja suoraan tunneilta elokuviin. Menin Susan, Ninnin, Virvan ja Hertan kanssa katsomaan Marvel's Avengers Assemble, Susa ja Ninni pitaa siita ihan hirveesti. Sellanen supersankarileffa, ei kovin hyva mutta ihan viihdyttava joistain kohdista. Ma tosin nukuin lopputaistelun:)hups. Mutta vasytti ihan kamalasti.
Illalla olis ollu disko mutta hankin luvat olla menematta, ja olin siis kotona host-vanhempien kanssa ja se oli tosi mukavaa, syotiin, juteltiin, host-aiti naytti niiden nuoruuskuvia ja kuvia muutaman vuoden takaisesta Kuuban-matkasta, kaikkea sellaista. Me jutellaan paljon niiden kanssa, se on helppoa kun ne on niin mukavia.
Tanaan ma sain nukkua pitkaan!!! Se siis naissa oloissa tarkoittaa etta heratyskello soi 8.20 eika 7.00. Joo, meilla oli boat cruising Thamesilla tai Isisilla kuten sita taalla kutsutaan, joka oli aika tylsaa, ei sielta veneesta nahny mitaan. Sitten me kaytiin vahan shoppailemassa, ma ostin Chrystalille sen LotR-extended-packin, jota pyysit, ja joka painaa yli kilon... mun pitas siis takas tullessa saada kilon korkeempi painoraja kun muiden, koska se ei oo oikeestaan mun. Tunneilla meille kerrottiin siita miten kirjoitetaan virallista englantia (paljon tyhmia saantoja) ja toisella tunnilla me katsottiin sellaista brittikomediasarjaa yksi jakso ja se oli kivaa. Brittihuumori on niin hauskaa:)
Pari tuntia sitten lahdettiin ruotsalaisen huonekaverin kanssa kavelylle ulos sateeseen ja oltiin siella melkeen tunti. Se oli ihan hauskaa, oikeestaan, kun ei valittanyt kastumisesta. Katseltiin vahan etta millainen paikka tama Kennington Village nyt oikein on. Todella sieva ja aika maalaisen oloinen paikka, ainakin sielta missa me kaveltiin. Lehmia ja hanhia pelloilla and stuff like that:)
Ylakerrassa mua odottaa suihku ja lammin sanky hirvea pino koulutoita jotka on pakko saada tehtya huomiseksi ja SITTEN suihku ja lammin sanky Harry-lakanoineen paivineen. Eli taidan tasta juoda teekupposeni loppuun ja hiipparoida ylakertaan, etta paasen joskus nukkumaankin. Hyvaa yota!

Today when I went to the library, there wasn't a single free computer. Luckily, my host parents had just same morning said that if I wanted, I could use their old computer which no one ever used. So here I am, soaking wet and a noisy washing machine behind me, but Internet works:)
So forward from Friday, then? Well, after the lessons we had a lecture about British history and concentrating was a lot easier now than in pop-culture lecture, because a)I wasn't so tired this time and b)I was sitting in the front row, so I was more motivated in staying concentrated. It was pretty interesting, really.
I bought the earplugs and in the evening we had a disco, but we left immediately when we had permission, nine o'clock. In the bus stop I noticed that I had already got used to the fact that here buses are never late: I just thought, what, this bus is two minutes late! In Finland I wouldn't even notice it. But that bus didn't come at all, so we had to wait for a half an hour for the next one, which was a bit late too, but not much.
We met our new roommates, a Spanish girl and an Ukrainian girl, though they were already sleeping when we returned. So we didn't meet them properly until Saturday afternoon.
In Saturday morning we left for Startford-upon-Avon and Warwick Castle, actually in different order. In the castle there was a place where they had shot some scenes of Merlin, but we didn't see it :((( 'Cause the next tour where they had room for me and Virva was at half past one, and we would have already gone to Stratford by that time. But the castle was a wonderful building and environment anyway.
Stratford-upon-Avon is Shakespeare's home town, so while in there we learned quite a lot about him. Plus that, we had free time. We went to this lovely sweet shop, which felt just like the Honeydukes (today I found out that this shop is also in Oxford, guess where I'll go tomorrow) and in HMV, which is the best dvd/cd shop in the world! I bought pretty much stuff from there. But yeah, Stratford was a beautiful town and when we came back from there, we finally met the two other girls, and they are very nice.
On Saturday evening our host parents asked us to take a look of a rainbow. It was visible from the window of a bedroom of two girls, arriving the next day, and our host mum was just making their beds. One of them had a Harry Potter pillowcase and I of course had to take a picture of it. When I did, my host mum asked if l'd like Potter bedding as well. I was like ooooooo! -yes, please and she laughed and went to get them and put them to my bed. Don't misunderstand me, she changed our beddings that day anyway. And in the next evening she asked me: "Do you like sleeping wiht Harry then?" and laughed and I laughed and said yes.
On Sunday to Bath. We got to do what we wanted, so we went to The Jane Austen Centre and there was this lovely small museum about Jane Austen and a shop with lots of cute things. I bought something for my mum and some sheet music + pen/ink/pencil set for myself. We ate in an Italian restaurant AND in an Italian café.
Yesterday morning we had a lecture about British literature and it was a bit boring, because the technology wasn't working properly and the lecturer was unprepared - it was someone new, the other one was probably sick or something. Then the lessons (I have nothing finished in the project lesson and the paper should be ready soon so I'm in a bit of a rush) and from school straight to the cinema. I went to see Marvel's Avengers Assemble with Susa, Ninni, Virva and Hertta, Susa and Ninni both like it very much. It's a super hero movie, not very good but entertaining in some points, though I slept through the final battle:)oops. But I was so tired.
In the evening there would've been a disco, but I got the permission not to go and spent the evening home with my host parents. It was very cosy, we ate and talked, host mum showed us pictures from their youth and pictures from their trip to Cuba few years ago, things like that. We talk a lot wiht them, it's easy 'cause they're so nice.
Today I got to sleep long!!! Which in these conditions means that I had to wake up at 8.20 and not at 7.00 as usual. Yeah, we had boat cruising on the Thames or on the Isis as they call it in here. It was pretty boring, you couldn't see much anything from the boat. Then we went shopping, I bought that LotR-extended-pack to Chrystal as you asked me to, and it weighs over a kilo... so when we return my weight limit should be 24 and not 23 'cause that pack isn't actually mine. In the lessons we were told about how to write formal English (lots of stupid rules) and in the second lesson we watched one episode of a British comedy series and it was nice. British humour is so funny:)
A couple of hours ago we went out to the rain to take a walk with my Swedish roommate and we spent there almost an hour. It was fun, actually, when you didn't mind of getting wet. We looked around to see what kind of place this Kenningotn Village really is. Very pretty and quite a countryside-sort-of-place, at least it was where we were. Cows and geese in the fields and stuff like that:)
In upstairs there is something waiting for me: a shower and a warm bed a huge pile of schoolwork to do and THEN a shower and a warm bed with its Harry bedding. So I think I'll finish my cup of tea and sneak upstairs so that I will be in bed at sometime. Good night!